
How can patient and provider surveys improve health care?

CAHPS and SOPS: Improving health care through patient and provider surveys


Ensuring high-quality health care and protecting patient safety is a major and ongoing challenge facing our society. In 2022, the U.S. spent about $4.5 trillion on health care, yet hundreds of thousands of hospital patients are harmed as a result of medical errors.

As part of its effort to promote high-quality health care, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has 2 long-term survey programs that 趣赢平台 supports:


We support these surveys by

  • Developing and pilot testing new surveys and items. These include supplemental items that can be added to the CAHPS or SOPS instruments, including experience with Patient-Centered Medical Homes or Health Literacy for CAHPS, and items on health IT; diagnostic safety; value and efficiency; and workplace safety, including burnout and turnover intentions, for SOPS.
  • Updating existing surveys to ensure that they remain current, relevant, and consistent with changes in the health care delivery system, existing standards of practice, and survey best practices.
  • Creating toolkits to support and provide guidance to survey users.
  • Hosting educational events about SOPS and CAHPS, such as webcasts and research meetings on topics such as patient-reported experience and outcome measures (PREMs and PROMs), patient safety, and provider well-being.
  • Maintaining databases of survey results to help users understand how their results compare to other health care organizations.
  • Analyzing and presenting CAHPS and SOPS survey data through reports, chartbooks, presentations, and publications.
  • Providing technical assistance to survey users.


Health care organizations and researchers can use the surveys to

  • Assess and improve patient experience, patient safety culture, and the overall quality of health care delivery
  • Raise awareness about quality and patient safety
  • Identify their strengths and areas for improvement
  • Examine trends over time
  • Evaluate initiatives and interventions aimed to improve patient experience and patient safety


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